ALPIN Workshop 2024

Dear ALP-Community, This year’s ALPIN workshop will take place from 24.09. to 25.09.2024 in Jena, organized by Adriana Szeghalmi (Fraunhofer IOF) and Mario Ziegler (Leibniz IPHT). We are delighted to have the following companies as sponsors for this year’s workshop: Workshop program @ 24.09.2024 Time Presenter – Title 12:00 – 13:00 M. Z. – Arrival, registration, … Weiterlesen

NamLab High k Workshop 2024

NaMLab invites to the Novel High-k Application Workshop on March 11th and 12th, 2024. New challenges offered by the application of high-k dielectric materials in micro– and nanoelectronics are discussed by more than 100 participants from industry, research institutes and universities. Please find more information at the NaMLab website:

EFDS ALD for Industry 2024

The 7th International Conference „ALD FOR INDUSTRY“ will again bridge the gap between fundamental science, industrialization and commercialization of this technology. This event is already establied since 2016 and attracts annually more than 100 participants and numerous exhibitors to visit Dresden. The Conference with Tutorial provides the opportunity to learn more about fundamentals of ALD technology, to get informed about recent progress in the field and to get in contact with industrial and academic partners.

ALPIN workshop 2023 – Student award survey

Please vote for the best student contribution and the best student paper of this year’s ALPIN workshop. Note: Try to be objective and fair and really choose the best presentation in your opinion (not the person). The prizes for the student awards 2023 are sponsored by ALS Metrology ( – your partner for in situ … Weiterlesen

EFDS ALD for Industry 2023

Der diesjährige ALD for Industry Workshop war wie schon in den vergangenen Jahren ein voller Erfolg, dank der EFDS sehr gut organisiert und voller interessanter Vorträge, Diskussionen und Gespräche. Nachfolgend gibt es eine Auswahl an Fotos von der Veranstaltung und wer alle Fotos sehen möchte, kann dies über folgendem Link: Am 21. und 22. … Weiterlesen