Program Monday, 11.09.2023
Time | Agenda |
12:00 | Arrival, registration, light lunch |
13:00 | Welcome and introduction TUC/ENAS |
13:40 | Shiyang He (Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden) Precise Interface Engineering for High Thermoelectric Performance in CuNi Alloys Using Powder ALD |
14:05 | Kallee Niiranen (Beneq) Sponsor presentation Beneq |
14:20 | Julia Cipo (Fraunhofer ISIT) LiPON on porous electrodes |
14:35 | Ludwig Marth (SENTECH) Atomic Layer Technology by SENTECH Instruments |
14:50 | Martin Klapper (TU Chemnitz) Atomic layer deposition on carbon fibers with titanium phosphate |
15:05 | Coffee break & Poster session |
15:40 | Jean-Pierre Glauber (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Recent advancements in rare earth oxide thin films via ALD based on water assisted processes |
16:05 | Hagen Bryja (FHR Anlagenbau) ALD development activities at FHR |
16:20 | Estelle Jozwiak (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Nickel-Iron-Oxide As A Highly Active Catalyst Toward OER Using Atomic Layer Deposition |
16:35 | David Anderson (memsstar) Comparison of Self-Assembled-Monolayer (SAM) Films: Conventional Fluorinated and Non Fluorinated Alternative SAM Films – differences and applicative performance |
16:50 | Philipp Wellmann (Universität Leipzig) Blocking Layer Buildup and Disintegration in the Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 on Silicon Oxide with Silane-based Inhibitors – a DFT Study |
17:05 | Coffee break & Poster session |
17:30 | Virtual lab tour |
18:15 | Free time & Transit to Gewölbegänge |
19:00 | Evening event at Gewölbegänge |
Program Tuesday, 12.09.2023
Time | Agenda |
09:00 | Arrival |
09:15 | Florian Preischel (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Processing of 2D silica via ALD for selective gas separation membranes |
09:40 | Mario Ziegler (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology Jena) Ultra-thin NbN films by PE-ALD for second generation quantum devices |
09:55 | Florian Eweiner (Heraeus) Facilitating precious metal deposition: The role of Heraeus in the Ruthenium value chain |
10:10 | Robert Zierold (Universität Hamburg) (PE)ALD of insulating and superconducting materials as a prerequisite for thin-film-based SRF cavities |
10:25 | Oliver Briel (Dockweiler Chemicals) Dock Chemicals – update on product pipeline and strategic perspective |
10:45 | Coffee break & Poster session |
11:05 | Martin Knaut (TU Dresden) ALD film growth and sticking coefficients |
11:20 | Ralf Tonner-Zech (Universität Leipzig) Density functional theory helps reveal area-selective deposition on metal/semiconductor substrate patterns |
11:35 | Xiao Hu (TU Chemnitz) Atomistic Simulation of Copper Atomic Layer Etching |
11:50 | Coffee break & Poster session |
12:10 | Nils Boysen (Fraunhofer IMS) Recent Developments in Processing 2D Materials and Metals via ALD for Functional Applications |
12:25 | Daniel Schlamm (SEMPA) Advanced Gas- and Chemical Supply Systems |
12:40 | Ivo Utke (Empa) In-situ Raman investigations of TiO2 ALD on carbon nanotubes |
12:55 | Student award |
13:00 | Closing & Departure |
Poster presentations
- Franziska Beyer (Fraunhofer IISB/ Fraunhofer THM) – Morphological and electrical characterization of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures modified by atomic layer etching
- Madeleine Bischoff (TU Chemnitz) – Atomic layer deposition of titanium phosphate on carbon fibers using tris(trimethylsilyl) phosphate, titanium isopropoxide and water
- Claudia Bock (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) – Low-temperature ALD and ALE processes for advanced integration of 2D materials in an industrial scale
- Werner Goedel (TU Chemnitz) – ALD coating onto bundles of technical fibres
- Philipp Häussermann (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) – Bayesian optimization for thermal ALD-TiO2 carrier selective and passivating contacts
- Niklas Huster (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) – Unearthing new precursors for Ru metal deposition: from developmental chemistry to applications
- Camilla Minzoni (Empa) – Early-stage Growth Study of Cu Metal ALD Thin Films
- Philip Klement (Universität Gießen) – Broadband Anti-Reflective Coatings on Plastic Optics Using Graded Refractive Index Alumina by Atomic Layer Deposition
- Rahel-Manuela Neubieser (Fraunhofer IMS) – ALD Activities at Fraunhofer IMS: Tools, Materials and Applications
- Jorit Obenlüneschloß (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) – Challenges in precursor chemistry for metal ALD: Alternative precursor systems and processes
- Ingmar Ratschinski (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) – Modulation-Doped Silicon Nanowires via Aluminum-Induced Acceptor States in SiO2 using ALD-AlOx Monolayers
- Ingmar Ratschinski (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) – Influence of Process Parameters on the Crystallinity of Ga2O3 produced by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
- Marcel Schmickler (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) – Understanding ligand diversity for rare earth based complexes: From precursors to materials
- Dongho Shin (Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden) – Stacking sulfide based 2D materials using ALD
- Martin Wilken (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) – Strategies to tune physico-chemical properties of precursors for transition metal chalcogenide thin film deposition
- Jun Yang (Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden) – ALD Sb2Te3 Films and Heterostructure : Thermoelectric and Optoelectronic Properties
- Mathias Franz (Fraunhofer ENAS) – Development of a cobalt atomic layer deposition process using Co2(CO)6HC≡CC5H11 as precursor
- Bodo Kalkofen (Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik) – BRICKS – A Modular Precursor Supply System for ALD or CVD
Program download (PDF):
Information for authors (presentation and poster)
To ensure a smooth transit between presentations, we kindly ask all speakers to hand in their presentation until 07.09.2023.
To further enhance knowledge exchange and discussion in the ALPIN network, we kindly ask you to provide your slides or poster for sharing with all registered participants. The material will be made available on the ALPIN website in a password-protected area. This is voluntary.
Workshop venue
The workshop takes place at the Alte Aktienspinnerei – the University library of the Technical University of Chemnitz. It is located close to Chemnitz main station.
Address: Alte Aktienspinnerei, Straße der Nationen 33, 09111 Chemnitz
Coordinates: 50.84139, 12.92688

Evening event
The evening event will take place in the Chemnitzer Gewölbegänge. Build in the 16th century, the Gewölbegänge are originally created as large vaults to store beer. Nowadays they provide a unique evening location. We recommend closed footgear.
The Gewölbegänge are reachable by foot from the workshop venue in 20 minutes. A guided walk to the evening location starts at 18:30 at the main entrance of the Aktienspinnerei.
Address: Chemnitzer Gewölbegänge, Fabrikstraße 6, 09111 Chemnitz
Coordinates: 50.83371, 12.91451

The organizing team looks forward to welcoming you in Chemnitz. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at alpin@enas.fraunhofer.de.
Martin Knaut
Local organizing committee TU Chemnitz & Fraunhofer ENAS
Jörg Schuster
Linda Jäckel
Lysann Kaßner
Mathias Franz
Mareen Bunar